Английский с носителями
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Разговорный язык
Интенсивная практика разговорного английского вместе с навыками восприятия на слух
Современный востребованный Английский без устаревшей грамматики и мало используемых слов
Живой язык
Правильный акцент
Занятия с носителем языка в каждом курсе
Идеальное произношение
Научитесь воспринимать разные акценты и будьте готовы к общению в реальном мире
Национальность почти всех людей можно узнать за 1 минуту разговора. Избавьтесь от акцента.

Педагоги жившие за границей

Директор, основатель школы
A short story about the key team member. What makes your business different from every other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. A short, simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Главный методист
учитель английского, корейского
A short story about the key team member. What makes your business different from every other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. A short, simple explanation in one or two sentences.
A short story about the key team member. What makes your business different from every other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. A short, simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Наши классы максимально отличаются от того, что вам можете встретить в школе и помогают погрузиться в атмосферу Великобритании.
Британская гостиная с кожаной мебелью

Где проходят занятия

Smart class
Шотландская буфетная
Just relax с креслами-мешками

Сравните Study&Bonus c другими школами

Сетевые школы
Локальные школы
С каждым студентом работают 2-3 педагога
Занятия с носителем в каждом курсе
Атмосферные классы
Бесплатные индивидуальные уроки
Образовательная лицензия и кэшбек (13%)
Индивидуальный подход
Где проходят занятия


"Я сам учился в Англии, поэтому в нашей школе обучают живому языку по методам, которые используют в Британских языковых центрах."
Директор Study&Bonus Андрей Алентьев
В своей работе мы используем обучение через действие.
Занятия проходят в уютной атмосфере Британской гостиной с камином. Все наши классы нестандартны и на
Занятия проходят в уютной атмосфере Британской гостиной с камином. Все наши классы нестандартны и на
от первых шагов в языке до успешной карьеры
Recruitment is a very important part of the management process. We help draw up a portrait of specialists, we develop ways to train personnel. Add some interesting specific details about your company.
For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop the basic concept of the company according to its purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Поступили с нашей помощью в ведущие зарубежные университеты, учатся и работают за границей
Успешно прошли наши курсы.
Среднее количество занятий, которые мы проводим в месяц.
8 ваших приемуществ
Как в Англии
"Я сам учился в Англии, поэтому в нашей школе обучают живому языку по методам, которые используют в Британских языковых центрах."
Директор Study&Bonus Андрей Алентьев
В своей работе мы используем обучение через действие.
Занятия проходят в уютной атмосфере Британской гостиной с камином. Все наши классы нестандартны и на
Занятия проходят в уютной атмосфере Британской гостиной с камином. Все наши классы нестандартны и на
Our news
    Екатеринбург, ул. Хохрякова 75
    Phone: +7 (343) 243-60-90
    Email: info@studybonus.ru
    Центр развития языковых способностей Study&Bonus
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story
    Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about the service and what the client gains.
    Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop the basic concept of the company according to its purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
    Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop the basic concept of the company according to its purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services?
    Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. Add some specific information about it and upload impressive photos.
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services?
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
    Speaker: John Johnson
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
    Speaker: John Johnson
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
    Speaker: John Johnson
    Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
    What clients say
    Blog and news
    Is there a perfect blog post? Best post structure for any corporate blog.
    Jan. 22, 2021
    Is there a perfect blog post? Best post structure for any corporate blog.
    Jan. 22, 2021
    Step by step
    Step one
    Describe this step of your work or your client's step to get results. Add some specifics about the service, what it includes. And tell what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
    Step one
    Describe this step of your work or your client's step to get results. Add some specifics about the service, what it includes. And tell what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
    Choose your plan
    First plan
    Access to any studio
    10 individual sessions
    Evening classes after 6 p.m.
    5 guest visits
    Second plan
    6 MONTHS
    Access to any studio
    15 individual sessions
    Evening classes after 6 p.m.
    15 guest visits
    Third plan
    Access to any studio
    20 individual sessions
    All-day classes
    20 guest visits
    Located in a country X. Provide your address here. Add more details about your location.
    About us
    Get in touch
    All photo and video materials from free resources unsplash.com and pexels.com belong to their owners. All photographs, texts, and business descriptions are fictitious. Please don’t use the template content for commercial purposes.
    This template requires custom fonts. Set them up manually before using this template.
    Heading font: Le Murmure
    Body text font: DM Sans

    How to set up font:

    • Download Le Murmure Font: https://fontesk.com/le-murmure-font/
    a. Open the downloaded folder le-murmure-master → fonts → webfonts → Le_Murmure-Regular_web.woff.
    b. Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Custom Settings → Your Own Font → Upload Font Files
    c. Upload Le_Murmure-Regular_web to BOLD.
    Under "Font Name," enter custom name for the font, e.g., Le Murmure. Save changes.
    e. In Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Your Own Font, assign Le Murmure as Heading Font Family Name.
    5. Save changes

    • Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Custom Settings → Google Fonts
    a. Fill out the following input fields: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=DM+Sans:wght@400;500;700&display=swap
    b. In Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Google Fonts/Adobe Fonts, assign DM Sans as Body Text Font Family Name
    c. Save changes

    In the page editor, update fonts for each block. See the template demo as a reference: http://yellow-template.tilda.ws.

    Save changes. Done!

    Learn more about setting up fonts: